Dementia Service
Working in partnership with
Stocksbridge Community Care Group
Working in partnership with
Stocksbridge Community Care Group
Dementia is not a single illness but a group of symptoms caused by damage to the brain. The symptoms include loss of memory, mood changes and confusion.
Anyone can develop dementia; it is not restricted to sex, age, gender, ethnicity or background.
In England, 800,000 people currently live with dementia. The older the age, the more common it is. Around one-in-14 people aged 65 or over has a form of dementia, and one-in-six people aged 80 or over. So the great majority of people with dementia are more than 75 years old, but it does occur among younger people
What Services are available?
Memory Time Café &
Carers Support Group
Every FIRST Thursday
of the Month
10.00am – 12noon
The Venue Stocksbridge.
People with memory problems or dementia and their carers can meet regularly with other people in similar circumstances. Information is available, as well as practical tips about coping with dementia and memory problems.
Musical Memories
Every THIRD Friday
of the month
1.00pm – 3.00pm
The Venue Stocksbridge.
We have introduced live music to the Memory Time Cafe using entertainers who specialise in
performing with and involving people living well with dementia. Musical Memories has fast become a regular event on our community calendar attracting ever increasing numbers.
Musical Memories Community Tour & Friendship Lunch
Every SECOND Wednesday
of the month
1.00 – 3.00pm
The Blue Ball Worrall.
The Blue Ball are hosting the Musical Memories on Tour in Worrall. They provide the venue free of charge and provide a Friendship Lunch at a reasonable £5 per person. We arrange and pay for the specialist performers.
Stocksbridge Community Care Group Friendly Visiting Service
This service was launched in April 2008 with a remit to provide a service for older socially isolated people and their carers. Volunteers were recruited to visit service users to give the sort of support a good neighbour might provide.
Contact us
For more information on Community Dementia Provision in the area please ring the Stocksbridge Community Care Group office on 0114 283 0141
or email: